Surrender Moments

As I walked the beach a few months ago in Florida, hundreds of shells were present along the shore line. While it was incredible to witness and see the sea life up close, the incredible display of shells was the result of Red Tide, a harmful algal bloom.

The once thriving scallops lay there fully exposed, cracked open, and the living creatures inside were left to die. Although, they seemed broken from their created purpose, they were still beautiful, showing off their vibrant colors.

Many times, life is like that—something harmful, hurtful, or even stretching and good impacts our comfortable, safe environment and it leaves us vulnerable and open. And often the healing or movement from one season to the next as we navigate the change and growth requires a deeper level of surrender than ever before.

Surrender for me begins with an awareness that something needs to change, followed by acceptance of reality and perspective that the change could bring something better than I can ask or imagine. Beyond that, it requires action and the willingness and courage to open my hands and let go of the need to know, control, or strive for approval. It’s challenging and can feel like being cracked open.

We all have surrender moments–like the fragile shells, sometimes we’re thrust publicly and swiftly into change and we’re forced to open, but often it comes in the moments of solitude and silence and just looks like quiet trust to do the next right thing as God brings light.

Seeing the shells exposed up close and personal reminded me that vulnerability is beautiful even when it requires a letting go of part of who we’ve been for the sake of becoming more of who we were created to be.

I’m so grateful that this side of heaven, there’s always hope for growth and transformation, grace in each new day, and for those in my life who encourage my heart to let go in order to receive what God has next when I’m willing to surrender.


How it all began for me as a coach…


A Prayer for Wandering & Wondering