How it all began for me as a coach…

Let’s be clear–this post is from July 18, 2019…I’ve included it in my journal because I think it’s important to remember often from where we’ve come. It gives us reason to celebrate where we are now and see God’s faithfulness on our journey. So grab a cup of coffee and let’s go back to how it all began for me as a coach…

20 years ago, I spent the summer studying abroad in England. While in London, I was introduced to the famous phrase, MIND THE GAP. It was everywhere visually and announced over the speaker system as the Underground Tube approached the station. The meaning is so simple, yet it’s stuck with me all these years–pay attention to where you’re standing and where you want to be.

Over the past year, I’ve transitioned in my career–I’m a Life Coach and a Certified Enneagram Practitioner. I work as the Chief People Officer for the REALIFE Process®, am an Executive Assistant for Professional Christian Coaching Institute (PCCI), and am almost finished with my first professional certification as a coach!

With my background in teaching and ministry, I love serving and equipping others to discover their most authentic self. But the deeper journey didn’t begin with serving others. It wasn’t until I walked through the pain of divorce in the middle of full-time ministry that I accepted God’s invitation to truly do some real authentic self-work. It was a MIND THE GAP moment–beyond who I had been in my career or as a wife, I had a choice to stay stuck in my past, present, or really dig into areas I needed to continue to develop, discover who God had created me to be, and learn (as Julia Roberts does in Runaway Bride), how I liked my eggs again to move forward.

Through tools like the Harmony Enneagram and the REALIFE Process® I’ve gotten in touch with my whole self and learned to pay attention to my head, heart, gut and really put my time and energy toward being present to my self and soul care, people I value, and projects that keep me moving forward. Coupled with the Enneagram and the REALIFE Process®, having a Life Coach has helped me move forward in courageous ways. I’ve been able to take action more quickly, trust my gut, accept my fear as wisdom, and make great strides in moving forward living the life God has so graciously given in more fear<less ways.

From my own journey and experience with coaching, the Enneagram, and the REALIFE Process®, I’m so excited to be serving others in their journey. As I round out this last bit of my certification as a Life Coach, I am starting to work with a wider base of clients and currently looking to serve 4-5 new clients. If you know someone who is walking through a major life transition (career change, divorce, etc.), looking to move forward in life in a more fear<less way, or simply desiring to get to know their authentic self to live the life they truly love, I would love to share more with them about coaching and set up a FREE Discovery Call. Send me a PM and let’s connect! It’s truly been life-changing for me and I can’t wait to see how God will continue to use this next season in the journey! MIND THE GAP!


Surrender Moments