The Gift of Being Seen

When was the last time you felt truly seen?

Being seen is a gift. I’ve come to realize beyond any human striving, or longing to be seen, it’s not something I can create or cause to happen out of being responsible or dutiful. But when it happens, even though it can feel startling and uncomfortable because it is beautiful and rare, I want to lean in and accept the gift rather than resist it even when it feels risky. I’m reminded again today that it is a choice and requires devotion to keep showing up.

It takes courage and feels vulnerable. For me, being seen looks like being heard, accepted, and met with curiosity rather than judgment–it feels like grace, freedom, and unconditional love. Morgan Harper Nichols recently shared this beautiful truth–“You are worthy of the same love you give.” After experiencing the sting of loss, worthiness can be hard to embrace, but it is part of the journey of fear<less living. I’m grateful for the relationships and the moments that I can say I feel truly seen and I want to extend that gift to others as well. In the purest form, being truly seen cultivates trust and that is something this side of heaven I never want to take for granted.

As this new day begins, I’m reflecting again on the question and will carry it forward–When was the last time you felt truly seen? As you ponder the question, may the remembering bring a fresh “re-membering” of worthiness to your whole self in knowing who you are and whose you are.

Art: Morgan Harper Nichols


A Prayer for Wandering & Wondering


Move in Closer